The Great Exodus: They Wandered for 40,000 years

No matter how busy the schedule, the writing must get done!

Even if I have to get up at 5 am to do it!

Which I have been. It’s one of those things that doesn’t always work out—sometimes I oversleep, or breakfast takes longer than usual, or I have too full of a morning—but when I get to sit down and tap away at 6 am until it’s time to leave… that’s good times. Peak writing hours for good ol’ Adrian.

Now that we’re all moved into our new place, I can do my writing at 6 am without disturbing a single other family member. That’s right; we’ve got ourselves a new crib, and my wife and children saw it in their hearts, so they let me have one of the three rooms as an office. Well, half of the room, but still, it’s so nice to be able to close the door and write with no fear of disturbing others. It has already improved my writing output.


My friend William and his lovely lady Kris visited my wife and me. He’s not only a good friend but also my landlord now, and he wanted to welcome us to the place. He brought over some honey wine, which was also labeled Mead, so that’s pretty cool. I felt like we were sealing a pact of sorts. And then, at the end of the visit, William produced a bag of coffee. Kopi Luwak. 

“The world’s most expensive coffee,” he teased. “Brew us up a few cups.”

I’m a coffee-holic; one doesn’t have to twist my arm to get a pot of coffee from me. I hopped to it. That’s when Kris saved me.

“He told you what that is, right?”

Huh? A question like that gives a man pause and reason for concern.

“What’s wrong with the coffee,” I ask.

What followed was two people telling me the same information in two different ways. One trying to entice me into tasting it. The other, knowing I wouldn’t be down, trying to save me. But however you phrase it, the information in the end is the same. Simplified to its most basic elements, this is Kopi Luwak:

  1. A cat-like creature eats coffee beans (or coffee berries?)

  2. Cat-like creature poops out coffee beans (or coffee berries?)

  3. Humans collect the cat-pooped-coffee-beans

  4. Humans make cups of coffee and drink it.

I’m sorry. Not even for science. Hard pass.

William and Kris both tried it. William seemed pleased, but Kris wasn’t overly enthusiastic.

What have we become? How did it come to this?

What was the best and worst cup of coffee you ever had? Please leave it in the comments below.


