But I finished first drafts for three of my five planned short stories, and that’s PROGRESS.

I switched from working PM shifts to waking up while it’s still dark to get to work on time. Swapped breakfasts with the family for dinners. This means I can no longer write in the mornings when I’m freshest, as was my custom. Instead, I come home exhausted from work and have to muster up the energy to get the words flowing. Most nights, resistance has won our epic battle, as I’ve opted for massages from the Mrs. rather than getting a writing session in.

Admittedly, I took on more than I could deal with in the month of November. NaNoWriMo, reading an epic like The Dryad’s Crown, and starting a new career I had not planned for… Boy. It’s been a hellova month. Not only did the new gig lead to not winning Nano, but this was also the month in which MYTHIC: SHADOW OF THE SPARK was cut from the Self-Published Science-Fiction Contest 3.  Two big losses for me. 

But it’s not all bad news. In fact, it’s mostly good news.

I may not have written the intended 50,000 words, but I wrote just over 30K, completing three of my five outlined short stories. All three are currently untitled and in bad need of some editing. But the hardest part is done. As for the other two stories, I will have to find my new groove with my new work schedule in order to get those done, but I’m working on it.

Also in the good news column is that while my new career path has proved challenging for the authorly side of my life, it has been a breath of fresh air for me in every other respect. I’ve never worked for a company like this before. Their benefits outdo every employer I’ve ever had before. They genuinely care for their employees' happiness, health, and welfare. They set us up for daily success and provide a stress-free/drama-free work environment. And while I get trained in their various departments and day-to-day operations, I find myself falling in love with the simplicity of “What would you like me to do?” They assigned me a task. I do said task to the best of my ability. “I’m done with the task you assigned me. What’s next?” They assigned me a new task. Lather, Rinse, Repeat. Simple. Stress-Free.

I love my new job. And I haven’t loved a job since I was 19.

Anyway, I’m happier, healthier (since I’m basically getting a full-body workout every day), and more optimistic about the future.



