From the Sci-Fi/Fantasy Aisle

I spoke to readers, met new author contacts, and sold some books! It was loads of fun!


… of you who put on this event. I met some wonderful people, networked with some authors, and even sold a few books!

I forgot to get a picture of my table set up this time around, which is a shame because I added an iPad playing the novel’s trailer on a loop. This actually went a long way for me as I saw people try to walk past, stop in their tracks because the trailer caught their eye, move closer for a better look, and then pick up the paperback to read that back. All before I started talking and turned on that classic Adrian charm.

I honestly had a blast and can’t wait to introduce you all to some new authors when The Writer’s Den comes back around later this month.

I also must say I saw some very impressive table displays and I’m looking into ways to spruce up my presentation. If you guys have any ideas or saw something at a book festival that you think would look cool on my table, reply to this email and let me know!

Other than the festival, the daily grind, and writing The Face of Gaia, there’s not much else to report other than I’ve decided to overhaul the store completely. I already went in and deleted most of the items that were once available there. I kept a few of the basics/classics that will transfer nicely, but otherwise, I’m looking for fresh ideas.

I have a few items I want to commission to be made, but it’ll mean up-front costs, and I’m not sure the demand is quite there yet to justify such an investment. But they’re, I think, fairly solid ideas with real potential as signature items for the Books By Adrian brand and the MYTHIC series. The focus is on creating items that are both desirable/useful while also relating to the book in some way. Maybe it's something that fits the character’s style or something featuring printed text from the pages of the novel. There are plenty of other directions I could go with this. Ultimately, I’m hoping to put together a beautiful collection of signature items that I can either sell in the stores or use as membership perks for my readers.

Forgive me for babbling about vague ideas but I don’t want to give away too much detail. Just know that when I am silent (meaning not doing weekly YouTube streams and such,) it’s because I’m hard at work on something coming down the pipeline. I’m eager to show everyone what I’ve been up to. But all in due time.

For now, thank you so much for reading. Keep checking back each week because you’re not going to want to miss some of these upcoming announcements. Write on, writers! (And Read on, Readers!)


