Or something even more dramatic!

But it truly feels that way. This Sunday marks the series finale of The Writer’s Den, and its aftershow The Green Room. Along with all their previous incarnations. The time of author interviews being the flagship of my YouTube channel is ending.

For the record, we’re going out with a bang! Doc Honour will make for one fantastic final guest!

But if this is the end of my time as an interviewer, what comes next?

Well, when I started this Online Author Platform, I was but an aspiring author. Inexperienced. So I turned to my peers in order to learn the biz. Nearly half a decade later, things are a little different.

I wrote a whole ass novel. I published it! It’s been out for a full year on April 30th. I’ve interviewed over seventy professionals and put on over 80 live interview shows. I’ve put on my own little TedTalk dealy during the 2023 AuthorTube Writing Conference. And worked hard to reach so many of you and build this lovely community of readers and authors alike.

I have more to offer now.

So, after Sunday’s live show, I’ll take two weeks off the YouTube Channel to finish building the next phase of the Books By Adrian Author Platform.

I’ll be hosting writing sprints every Sunday upon my return, during which I’ll finally finish working on all those Short Stories I promised you guys way back when. As they’re completed, I’ll release one-by-one to this newsletter first.

I’m currently creating new MYTHIC: SHADOW OF THE SPARK-related content, videos, and reader-reference-materials; planning new and exciting Live events and presentations; and finding the courage to share more and more of my own writing process and the progress I’m making on MYTHIC: THE FACE OF GAIA.

All of this and more will premiere first on my own website inside a member area, which I’m tentatively naming the GENRE BENDERS COMMUNITY. The base level of GBC’s members-only area will be free for anyone to join.

I have plans for a paid tier I’ll add later on which will be focused primarily on the creation of the Audio Book for MYTHIC: SHADOW OF THE SPARK as well as a special edition Hard Cover.

There’s more, but we’ll build up to that. Don’t want to show all of my cards just yet. All of this is to say that I’m beyond excited for the future of my online author platform. I’m running into unknown territory on a moonless night without a flashlight, but honestly, I’ve just come to call that “Adrian-Style.” Fortunately, I’m not going alone.


When it’s ready you’ll be able to join the GENRE BENDERS COMMUNITY right here on BooksByAdrian.Com. And boy-oh-boy, is it going to be a rip-roaring good time.

As always, I thank each and every one of you for your support over the last few years, and I am excited to enter this new phase with you. The next newsletter will be in two weeks. See you then! And don’t forget about the final episode of The Writer’s Den and The Green Room.




never stop moving forward