Well… that’s what I’m calling my readers from now on, anyway. I think. Maybe. The series is called MYTHIC, after all. And the more you read my books and stories, the more familiar you’ll become with the mythology of my made-up imaginary world.

And it’s awesome!

So, yeah. MYTHOLOGISTS! I like it. Do you? Share your honest opinion, ask questions, or just chit-chat with me in the comments below or clicking here: - If you choose to email me, I’ll share your email and respond to it on a “Letters Page” much like the ones good ol’ Stan The Man Lee used to do in his comics.

I’ll need to come up with something catchier than EXCELSIOR! Good luck, Adrian.

Anywho, recently I streamed an impromptu episode of WRITE THE DAMN STORY with my boy Martin Lejeune. It was a new version where we used my ridiculous writing dice to generate prompts and then wrote some flash fiction.

My prompt inspired a rewrite of an early scene in book two. It’s Harley experiencing life on The Spark as a Borg. And it ain’t pretty. If you’d like to hear the scene read out loud, check out that episode of WRITE THE DAMN STORY right freakin’ HERE!

I’m still hard at work on the MYTHOLOGISTS members-only section of my website. Specifically, I’m currently filling out The World Book with all the juicy tidbits you knuckleheads will love! Character bios, Portraits, Maps, Timelines. You’re going to have a little blasty-blast looking through all this stuff.

But first, I have to type it all up. It’s exhausting, I love it. But a slow process. Especially when I get minimal time daily to work on this if I’m also going to make time to write MYTHIC: THE FACE OF GAIA.

Fun fact about M:TFOG - One of my goals with this one was to write a more layered and complex villain. Halfway through writing my zero drafts, one of my newest heroes straight-up double-crosses other heroes and is revealed to be a villain! LONG CON-STYLE! They even had me fooled, and I’m the author!

Gotta love it. This speaks to how much more discovery writing I’ve been doing this time around. Of course this means I’ll need to go back and make sure everything is properly hidden and foreshadowed at the same time. Writing! Amirite?


