And I’ve been running into them left and right!

I got a little more personal with you all than usual in my last blog post. It had to be done. But afterward, I was so touched to receive emails from so many of you! You reached out to share your own experiences with the author blues, trauma, anxiety, depression, or a combination of all of the above. 

It simultaneously lets me know I’m not alone and that my sharing is helpful to others who are suffering. Seeing so many in the author and reader communities stepping up to help their peers feel better and find peace means so much to me.

You are a lovely bunch, and I’m grateful to be in your circles.

In other news, I’m thrilled to share that I recently watched a video by Brandon Sanderson explaining how he can write such gigantic books so fast. As it turns out, he splits them up into smaller books! He finds two or more characters whose storylines bunch together nicely, and he writes them as though it were a complete novel with a beginning, middle, and end. Then, he groups a couple more characters’ stories and writes that novel. Then again for a third group. Finally, he puts all three books together, organizing each chapter for optimal pacing. And voila! One gigantic novel.

Guess who’s going to try the Brandon Sanderson method for MYTHIC: THE FACE OF GAIA—this guy! I’ve already begun the process, and it's proving very beneficial to making progress on this novel. Splitting my time between this and some critique partner work is also good, as it keeps me creatively on my toes.

There’s still so much work ahead on this novel, but I’m feeling better than ever about it and can’t wait to share some of it with you!

In Case You Missed It:

The AUTHORTUBE WRITING CONFERENCE 2024 has come and gone and it was an outstanding success all around! My presentation was supposed to only be 20 minutes and I ran over my allotted time because the topic warrants a deeper dive so go check out what I do have on there and if you’d like a more in-depth look into the topic in a future stream or video, leave a comment letting me know.


I haven’t been to the movie theaters in a while, so I’ve been waiting for Oppenheimer to come to streaming. Like most people, I’m a huge Christopher Nolan fan, and missing this in theaters will forever be a regret I carry through life because, having finally watched it, I can honestly say, “WOW! WHAT A CINEMATIC EXPERIENCE!”

Cillian Murphy's performance in the lead role was outstanding, but I can’t stop thinking about Robert Downey Jr.’s performance. Florence Pugh, Emily Blunt…

… there were so many great performances! The music, editing, special effects (mesmerizing!) This is instantly a contender for my favorite Nolan movie, and it’s got some stiff competition, so that’s saying a lot.

And the screenplay?! Written in the first person, it is not only highly unusual, but it also comes through in the finished film as everything is told from Oppenheimer’s point of view. And in true Nolan style, this movie has an extraordinary relationship with time. It's an instant classic. I may be late to the party but can’t be the only one. If you haven’t watched Oppenheimer yet, it is time to correct that injustice!


